About Our Clinic
Health management by multiple specialists
At our hospital, dialysis is managed by multiple specialist doctors. Specialists are nephrologists, cardiologists, urologists, and internal medicine specialists. Examining hemodynamics in dialysis treatment is generally a specialty of kidney specialists. However, dialysis patients often have cardiovascular complications, so teamwork is required to follow up on cardiovascular and blood vessel-related matters and collaborate with nephrologists. In addition, the patient's psychological state may change during the long-term dialysis, so it is important to have a doctor who understands the patient's mental state. In this way, there is a limit to what one specialist can do, and we aim to examine a single patient with multiple eyes and appropriately manage the patient's condition from multiple perspectives.

Visualization of electronic medical records for patients
The Tabata Ekimae Clinic uses electronic medical records, but they are different from general electronic medical records. At our hospital, electronic medical records used by doctors and nurses can be entered and checked on the ipad so that they can also be used on the dialysis floor. If there is a request that you want to see your own test data and want to see it as time series data, we can also meet your request. You can see changes in the data on the graph, and your motivation for self-management will increase. This approach will lead to the patient's own daily condition.

Enriched environment
Wi-Fi is installed, so you can use the Internet while sitting on the chair bed. Any device that supports Wi-Fi can be used. If you get tired, you can watch a movie for a change of pace. Watch sports on BS? That's good too. Online shopping is also available on the Internet. Our aim is to make dialysis time seamlessly continuous with normal life and work life. If you are passionate about your hobbies, you will be able to ease your painful feelings. Reading a book is also good. I also enjoy watching videos on youtube.

Information on Nocturnal Dialysis
At the Tabata Ekimae Clinic, we want to support patients who are burdened with work, so we provide dialysis until 23:30, the latest in Tokyo. Having to leave work early and go on dialysis two to three times a week can be a real obstacle for you in a position of responsibility. We believe that "dialysis" should never hinder your performance. We are your supporters in your work.